Before & After Gallery
Full mouth rehabilitation
This lovely man called our practice wanting to be seen because he had a toothache. We try to fit him in then, to see how we can help. Dr Jenina Cotton did an emergency assessment and spent time with him to encourage him to comeback for full assessment to look at a more long term and stable solution for his dental condition rather than patching up and not dealing with the source of the problem. The first step is knowing the history. Trauma in the past dental treatment usually causes people to lose trust, and not wanting to see the dentist again unless they are in pain. Unfortunately when this is the case, it is usually too late in terms of possible options we can offer to fix the problem. Credit to this patient, he came back and gave Jenina a chance to fully assess, prepare and present a treatment plan that can be done to change and give him a fresh clean start. He knew it wouldn't be a quick easy fix, but his commitment to making things right enabled us to do and accomplish his full mouth dental rehabilitation within a period of a year. Amazing results for all the hard work we all have put in. Now our patient can talk, and smile with confidence, be pain and infection free, and he learned that our mutual efforts to get the best results dictates the success of this incredible journey.
Smile rehabilation
This lovely gentleman came to our practice looking very shy and reserved. He said that he has not been to the dentist for at least 10 years. Dr Jenina Cotton did a comprehensive exam and assessment and found that there are advance progressive deteriorating conditions in our patient's mouth that can eventually impact his general health condition over time. Dr Jenina spent time to discuss various conditions that needed to be addressed and how to go about management. After careful consideration of all information, our patient started his dental journey. After over a year, we completed the rebuilding of the foundation of teeth, some extractions, crowns and bridges and veneers. Now he has a stable, healthy and beautiful smile. It was truly a life changing experience for our patient because now he is full of confidence, very engaging, and is so willing to smile.
10 upper ceramic veneers
Dr Jenina Cotton has been looking after this lovely patient for many years. Together they have planned to address the long-term stability of her worn-down teeth. Finally, we accomplished the plan. Dr Jenina did 10- unit upper ceramic veneers. Our patient is really happy and is confidently showing her smile. This treatment enabled us to attend to our patient's biologic, mechanical and aesthetic needs.
Fractured Front Tooth
Accidents are always distressing when they happen, and breaking a tooth particularly the front one can be truly worrisome. The photo shows our young patient breaking her upper right central incisor in the playground. Dr Jenina Cotton has provided an immediate composite restoration to rebuild the broken tooth.

Composite Veneer Upgrade
This lovely patient came to our practice after her previous dentist retired. She came to have an assessment on how she can improve her existing composite veneers. She had them for many years and had been happy with them, they had been appropriate to cover her naturally small teeth underneath, however, she was ready to explore the possibility of changing to ceramic veneers. After a long process of assessment, careful planning, periodontal stabilisation and foundation building by Dr Jenina Cotton, we completed the upper arch 12 unit ceramic restorations. Both us and the patient were very happy with the result, achieving a subtle and natural change as requested by the patient. The ability of ceramics to transmit light makes the material appear more natural and resist discolouration as compared to composites. It is also more durable and long term, hence it was the preferred treatment option for our patient.

Veneers to Close Gaps
Our patient here had been wanting to improve her smile but was anxious about making the change. With careful planning with Dr Jenina Cotton, she was able to express her concerns and was able to understand the procedure of having veneers, whilst maintaining realistic expectations. With 10 new ceramic veneers by Dr Cotton, she truly achieved the natural smile she had been wishing for.

Dark Looking Root Canal Treated Tooth improved with Ceramic Crowns
This patient had discolouration on their front tooth due to a root canal. This discolouration was improved by Dr Jenina Cotton using Ceramic Crowns.

Upper Porcelain Veneers
We have been looking after this beautiful patient for many years. She opted for a gradual steady improvement of her dentition. It was planned from the beginning that we will need to rebuild her very worn-down teeth. After a few years she finally decided to go ahead with the rehabilitation of her upper teeth. Jenina did 6 new upper crowns as she has already done the posterior teeth. She couldn't believe the difference, and how much better she felt about the change, she wondered why she didn't do it sooner.
8 unit ceramic veneer restorations
Our patient here had always had a timid smile, as she has always been conscious of the way her teeth look. Her kids had grown up and she decided it was time to attend to her dental needs. Dr Cotton did 8-unit ceramic veneer restorations. Now our patient can freely smile, and she was very happy with the results. She felt some self-accomplishment and self-confidence.
Correction of Shape, Size & Alignment of Upper Front Teeth
Our patient was interested in improving her teeth, Dr Jenina Cotton provided a comprehensive treatment approach to ensure stable oral health that our patient could maintain, as well as improve the overall aesthetics. 4 ceramic veneers were completed on the upper front teeth, correcting the shape, size and alignment of teeth without orthodontics. The change was subtle and natural which our patient was aiming for.
Lower Arch Bleaching & 8 Upper Porcelain Veneers
This young patient had congenitally missing teeth and went through a course of orthodontic treatment. After which, we rebuilt her small teeth to a more functional size using composite resin. However, after a few years these composites had discoloured. Dr Jenina Cotton then completed a complete oral rehabilitation by doing lower arch teeth whitening and 8 unit porcelain veneers for the upper arch. Now our patient is happy maintaining and looking after her beautiful smile.
Previous crowns looking bulky and chunky
This patient was not happy with her old upper crowns and wanted us to improve it. Dr Jenina Cotton spent time with the patient gathering all the information to guide in preparing for this case to figure out what the patient need, what she didn't like and what she wanted. The plan was then transposed to a wax mock up to try in the patients mouth, and when she was happy the new crowns were made and cemented. Planning is as important as delivery, because with proper planning, Dr Cotton achieved the successful results we wanted to achieve for patient to be happy.
Cycling accident that resulted to fractured front teeth
This patient loves riding his bike. Unfortunately, he was in an accident which resulted to fractured teeth and lip laceration. The condition was stabilised and Dr Jenina Cotton rebuilt the front teeth with ceramic veneers to restore the functionality, strength and aesthetics of his teeth.
Badly broken down dentition
This patient presented with a badly broken-down dentition and a lot of discomfort. Dr Jenina Cotton carefully assessed and discussed the treatment options and management. The patient opted for a full clearance of the upper arch, and Dr. Jenina Cotton made a new full upper denture and restored all the decayed lower teeth with composite restorations.
Improvement of Incisors
This patient has some extensive work done on his front teeth when he was much younger due to trauma. Over the years the teeth and bonded composite build up has discoloured and worn down. Patient put up with it over the years and then finally he decided he had enough and wanted to do something about the unsightly look of his front teeth. Dr Jenina Cotton went through the options and the patient decided to have 4 ceramic veneers done for a more stable and long term solution.
Ceramic Veneers to improve Aesthetics
Our patient had an accident when she was younger, resulting in trauma to her front teeth. Her initial treatment was composite veneers, which eventually discoloured over the years, which prompted her to look at more long term options. She ended up having 4 ceramic veneers to address the problem of discolouration, slight malalignment and improvement of size, shape and contour of teeth.
10 Unit Upper Ceramic Restorations
This patient had uneven wearing of teeth, gaps and dark triangular spaces between her teeth due to loss of gum tissue, intrinsic staining and discoloured teeth. Dr Jenina Cotton stabilised the supporting structures of the teeth first, then completed 10 unit upper ceramic restoratoins. A truly life changing decision and our patient was very happy with her new smile.
Full Mouth Rehabilitation - Combination of Crowns and Veneers
This patient was unware that over the years he has had a parafunctional habit called bruxism, otherwise known as "grinding" and clenching which led to significant wearing down of his teeth. This in turn caused the shorter and flatter looking teeth compared to their previous size. The teeth looked significantly worn down teeth, and the patient had gaps due to missing teeth. After a comprehensive assessment, patient chose to have a full mouth rehabilitation and Dr Jenina Cotton completed a combination of Crowns and Veneers. The missing teeth were replaced with implants. Our patient finished his treatment feeing like a new person.
Discouloured teeth with uneven length
This patient wanted only minimal change to his teeth. He indicated that he just wanted the most conservative approach to improve his teeth and he said he has limited budget. Dr Jenina Cotton was able to improve the discoloured teeth and the length of the central incisor, with minimal intervention using composite resin.